How Long Do You Think Termites Live?

Termites are one of the most stealthy pests in our area. Before you know that they’re present, they can establish an entire colony in your home, eating away at the wood and causing its structure [...]


Is Your Home at Risk for Termites?

Here in the North Bay & East Bay Area, termite problems are a constant threat for homeowners. Many people are under the assumption that termites only infest wood homes, but unfortunately, [...]


5 Pests to Look Out For This Spring

Spring is almost here! Everyone rejoices in the return of warmer temperatures. Unfortunately, so do pests. Many pests that may have been less active in the wintertime ramp up every spring, which [...]


Do You Have Termites or Flying Ants?

With spring just around the corner, it’s nearly swarming insect season! Flying ants, known as carpenter ants, can cause a lot of damage with their wood-boring abilities. As wood-destroying [...]

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